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This method allows you to create a location in the database


[in] usn The user-name that you need to use to authenticate on this interface.
[in] pwd The password that you need to use to authenticate on this interface.
[in] options String parameter. This is currently unused and reserved for future versions of the API. Pass in an empty string.
[in] locationName String parameter. The name assigned to this location
[in] userData String parameter. The associated user data for this location. Alternatively an empty string can be passed in here.
[in] categoryName String parameter. The name of the category that this location belongs to.
[in] polygon String parameter. The Well Known Text representation of this polygon. e.g. "POLYGON ((30 10, 40.112 40.335, 20 40, 10.111112 20.111112, 30 10))". Please try to ensure your polygon points are in an anti-clockwise order.
[out] errorMsg If an error happpens this string contains the error message. In case an error has happened (this variable contains a valid non-empty string) then the return value will not contain any usable data, do not try to parse it as an xml.
return value If the errorMsg variable is null or empty then the returned string contains the requested data in xml format. The xml has the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
  <location name="TestLocation1" locationID="6079" error="" />
Please note this.


Minimum R-COM Database version


Error messages

Please see this page.