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FleetManagerApi sample Java client

Using axis to generate the proxy classes

Of course if you use a recent version of NetBeans or Eclipse, the proxy code generation can be done via some GUI based wizards. This description shows how it is done from the command line using Apache Axis.

The following steps were executed to generate the webservice proxy code:

The sampleclient

You can download the java SampleClient application from here:
Sample application

To execute the sampleclient please install axis and java as described above. (You do not need to generate the proxy code, it is included in the zip file.). Extract the zip file into a dir. From now on we'll assume that you extracted it into c:\src\. You should see 3 batchfiles in c:\src\java-sampleclient, namely build.bat, clean.bat and run.bat. Execute build.bat, the console should print:

C:\src\java-sampleclient>javac -cp "C:\axis-1_4\lib\*;ie\bluetree\FleetManagerAP
		I\*;" ie\bluetree\FleetmanagerAPI\*.java ie\bluetree\SampleClient\*.java
		Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
		Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
If you call run now, you'll see the list of commands the sampleclient supports. E.g. if you got the username smith and password bla, then this is how you can retrieve gps readings:
run getGPSReadings smith bla
You should see an output similar to this:
C:\src\java-sampleclient>java -cp "C:\axis-1_4\lib\*;ie\bluetree\FleetManagerAPI
		\*;ie\bluetree\Sampleclient\*;" ie.bluetree.SampleClient.SampleClient getGPSRead
		ings HeylTruckLines truckLink
		- Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.i
		nternet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is disabled.
		numofrows 1000
		lastRecordTimestamp 2012-05-09 04:13:09Z
		lastVehicleID 12
		lastLatitude 46.2024916666667
		lastLongitude -119.077778333333
		numofrows 1007
		lastRecordTimestamp 2012-05-09 10:04:14Z
		lastVehicleID 6
		lastLatitude 41.82127
		lastLongitude -97.4646066666667
		numofrows 655
		lastRecordTimestamp 2012-05-09 13:26:23Z
		lastVehicleID 4
		lastLatitude 38.1542333333333
		lastLongitude -88.9153883333333
		No more data, sleeping for a minute before trying again
If you pass in the wrong username or password, this is what you'll see this in the console (now I passed in a as usn and b as password):
C:\src\java-sampleclient>java -cp "C:\axis-1_4\lib\*;ie\bluetree\FleetManagerAPI
		\*;ie\bluetree\Sampleclient\*;" ie.bluetree.SampleClient.SampleClient getGPSRead
		ings a b
		- Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.i
		nternet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is disabled.
		java.lang.Exception: [Authentication error][USN: a][2012-05-09T13:24:35]
				at ie.bluetree.SampleClient.SampleClient.handleWebserviceError(SampleCli
				at ie.bluetree.SampleClient.SampleClient.getGPSReadings(SampleClient.jav
				at ie.bluetree.SampleClient.SampleClient.main(
Please note the string "[Authentication error][USN: a][2012-05-09T13:24:35]" in the error message, this is what was returned by the webservice.

Please see the source code for comments/suggestions about implementation details.